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World Earth Day 2023

Let’s take a moment to appreciate this wonderful planet of ours. On 22 April we celebrate World Earth Day, a day to reflect on how we can be kinder to our planet.

At Greyhound we wanted to help our customers take part in World Earth Day by demonstrating some of the small actions you can do to make your home’s waste less wasteful and help the planet.

How can you help?

  1. Compost your garden waste

You wouldn’t be-leaf it but…your Greyhound brown bin takes your garden waste and transforms it into compost. So you keep cutting and we’ll keep taking…for free

  1. Compost your food waste

At Greyhound we love your food waste. By sending your food waste to us, in a brown bin rather than a black bin you are giving mother earth a big, dirty hug, which she loves. Just remember, no plastics in your brown bin.

  1. Use your black bin less

Did you know – it’s estimated almost 50% of the weight of a black household bin can actually be composted or recycled? The price of disposing of black bin waste is getting more expensive each year. Expensive for us and for our customers. So the more you can divert from the black into the brown and green bins the better for everyone, including the planet.

  1. Recycle more

We’re great at Recycling. We’ve been at it for 40+ years. We take so much in our green bins, we’ve even won awards. To see what you can and can’t recycle, click here (Hint – there isn’t much).

  1. Use our Greyhound app

If you want to compost more, recycle more and use your black bin less, your best bet is to track your home’s usage and set targets using our Greyhound App. You can do all sorts with our app including

  • Checking your account balance
  • Making a payment
  • Activating collection reminders
  • View collection history

The only thing it doesn’t do is take out the bins.

#AreYouWithUs #GreyhoundRecycling #EarthDay2023