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Ecomondis Global Sustainable Energy

EcoMondis is a leader in the production and supply of waste derived alternative fuels.

Ecomondis logo

EcoMondis currently trades in 15 countries worldwide, with offices in Dublin, London and Shanghai. The Company is leading the advancement of waste derived alternative fuels as a method to both reduce landfill dependence in the disposal of waste and secondly, to displace the consumption of fossil fuels in the production of heat and power. Having pioneered this process in the Irish market, the company has garnered a reputation for the production and delivery of consistent quality materials to our primary customers.

Our Brochure
Cost Reduction

Game Changing Fuel Cost Reduction


Environmental Compliance in Carbon Emissions Trading


Consistent Fuel Quality to meet your Specification

Fuel Quality

Scale of Production to meet your Global Requirements

Our Company

EcoMondis is an Irish owned company, employing over 150 people across Europe. Our strength is in our Management Team, which is comprised of experienced professionals who have a wealth of knowledge and experience in the production and supply of alternative Fuels. Each specifically skilled in their own operational unit, including Finance, Corporate Sales, Global Logistics, Production etc., the EcoMondis corporate culture ensures that the Management Team possess a broad range of skills which allows them to work together across all business disciplines.

Waste management

Solid Recoverable Fuel (SRF)

The consumption of SRF in place of coal or pet coke will save your business money. SRF is an established fuel in Europe, with Cement Companies typically substituting between 30 and 50% of their previous coal/pet coke with this material. With 60% Biomass, SRF is both environmentally friendly and sustainable.


Research and Development

EcoMondis’ success to date has been built upon the company’s willing to invest significant human and financial capital into the researching and developing of new technologies and new waste derived alternative fuels.

As a market leader in this industry sector, the company is focused on delivering complete solutions to our primary customers, namely Heat and Power producers across the World. On that basis, the company has a precedent of researching and developing specific solutions for each customer with whom it trades, from logistical innovation in the way in which we deliver our finished products, to site specific equipment used to facilitate the feeding and consumption of EcoMondis Alternative Fuels in place of coal.

Our Alternative Fuel

There are three key reasons as to why your company should consider partnering with EcoMondis, for the
supply of waste derived alternative fuels:


Operational Excellence

EcoMondis has the ability to produce both consistent volume and consistent quality SRF material to meet the needs of your business. Our Production Managers measure the quality of the in-feed materials on a daily basis, ensuring that only suitable Dry Commercial Waste is processed. Equally, our on-site testing procedures ensure that fuel sent to your site is tested to check that it meets the agreed specification. Our infrastructure is proactively maintained, ensuring that our production facilities can run 24/7, without fail. Our logistical and administrative expertise ensures that we can execute delivery of this material, within specification and on time, to all of our customer sites.


Experience / Proven Reputation

EcoMondis has been producing Solid Recoverable Fuel for almost 10 years. The Company has invested in the pioneering of this technology in the Irish market, and its subsequent expansion abroad. As an established player in the market, EcoMondis has secured long term contracts with numerous high volume consumers of our product. Our experience to date ensures that we have developed flexibility in our production and supply process, enabling us to meet the unique needs of each customer. We have proven that we can deliver.


Sustainability of Production & Supply

EcoMondis has invested heavily in the development and expansion of our SRF production capabilities. The company has proven that the business model is both sustainable and profitable. We view the production of alternative fuels, particularly SRF, to be a growth market and one which is currently underdeveloped. Therefore, the company will continue to invest in SRF production and the delivery of consistent quality SRF material to our primary customers, in line with our contractual obligations

The Future

We will do everything to ensure that EcoMondis continues to grow and be a market leader, consistently meeting the needs of our fuel consumers. Our company will continue to resource the development of partnerships with all of our consumers and by listening to you about your changing needs, EcoMondis will continue to be flexible, producing a fuel and tailoring a logistics solution cost effectively.

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