Learn the facts about food waste and its environmental impact

Food waste is a major issue facing our planet today. Did you know that approximately one-third of all food produced in the world goes to waste? This is because this organic material waste is not only a waste of resources and money, but it also has a significant impact on the environment.

When food is thrown away, it ends up in landfills where it decomposes and releases greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change. Additionally, the resources used to produce that much food waste and garden waste itself, such as water and other renewable energy used, are also wasted.

Fortunately, there are many solutions to this problem, from reducing our own personal food waste to supporting businesses, local authorities and organisations that work towards reducing food waste on a larger scale.

By learning about the facts and impacts of food waste, we can all take steps towards less food waste created creating a more sustainable future.

Estimate Your Food Waste – Keep track of your food waste and find ways to reduce it

food insecurity Ireland

Have you ever considered how much food you waste on a weekly basis? It’s estimated that the average Irish family throws away around €1,500 worth of food each year – that’s a huge amount of money and resources going straight in the trash!

By keeping track of your food waste, you can identify patterns that prevent food waste and find ways to reduce it. Perhaps you’re overbuying or not storing food properly? There are plenty of simple solutions that can make a big difference.

Not only will reducing your carbon footprint and food waste save you money, but it’s an important step towards a more sustainable future. So why not give it a try?

Shop Smarter – Planning meals ahead of time, buying only what you need, and using recipes that use up leftovers

When it comes to grocery shopping, a little planning can go a long way. Not only can it save you time and money, but it can also help reduce food waste.

By mapping out your meals for the week ahead of time and making a shopping list based on those meals, you can avoid the temptation to impulse buy or purchase items you don’t really need. Additionally, choosing recipes that utilize leftovers can help stretch your budget and make the most of the food you already have on hand.

With a little bit of extra effort and some strategic planning, you can shop smarter and make every trip to the grocery store count.

Store Food Properly – Tips on how to store your fruits, vegetables, and other perishables properly

Properly storing your fruits, vegetables, and perishables is crucial to keeping them fresh and delicious for longer periods. To start with, it’s important to store your produce in the right locations, as different fruits and vegetables have different storage requirements.

For example, bananas and tomatoes should be stored at room temperature, while berries and leafy greens should be kept in the fridge. Additionally, it’s essential to keep your food items dry, as moisture can cause spoilage. That being said, certain produce, like mushrooms, should be kept damp but not wet.

Lastly, never store your fruits and vegetables with other strong-smelling foods, as the odours can transfer and cause flavour contamination. By following these simple tips, you’ll be able to extend the shelf life of your food and reduce food waste.

Get Creative with Leftovers – Give recipes for turning leftovers into delicious dishes

Leftovers don’t have to be boring! With a little creativity, you can take leftover food and transform them into delicious meals that are easy on the wallet and time-saving. Take that leftover roasted chicken, shred it and mix it with some veggies for a tasty stir-fry.

Or use leftover rice to make some delicious fried rice with scrambled eggs and chopped veggies. For a quick and healthy breakfast, use leftover quinoa to make a breakfast bowl with yogurt, berries, and honey.

By getting creative with your leftovers, you’ll not only save money but also reduce food waste, and impress your family with your culinary skills. So, next time you have some leftovers, don’t throw them away – turn them into something delicious.

Composting for Homeowners – Guide to composting for those who want to take their zero-waste efforts one step further

As more and more people are becoming aware of food waste recycling and compost bin and their impact on the environment, adopting a zero-waste lifestyle has become a popular topic. One way to reduce food waste is by composting.

Composting is the natural process of decomposing organic materials such as food scraps, yard waste disposal, and garden waste, and leaves into a rich soil amendment that can be used to fertilise plants and garden beds.

It’s an easy and rewarding way to recycle food waste, help reduce landfill food waste and nourish your garden at the same time. With this guide, we aim to help homeowners who want to take their zero-waste efforts one step further by providing comprehensive instructions on how to compost effectively.

Trying to reduce global household food waste is not a one-time effort; it takes continuous attention and action.

We all can make a positive difference, so let’s get started! By committing to making small changes in the way we buy, store, and use food, together we can help build a sustainable world for future generations.

Let’s get going, we can reduce food waste together! Are you with us?