The world’s greatest rubbish app
The only thing it doesn’t do is take the bins out.
New, improved and shinier.
You may have guessed at this stage that we have a brand new app.
It’s taken us a while but we think it’s worth it. We’ve put in lots of useful
features that will make your life that bit easier. It tells you when to put the
bins out, how much you use, what’s in your account and what you may
owe. It shows you how you can save, it will even let you change your plan
if there’s one that suits you more. You can go back in time and check how
much you’ve paid, how much each lift weighed and how you’re doing
with recycling. All in one place.
Download or update.
If you haven’t used our app before it’s easy to download on whatever
device you use. If you already have it then just click on update and a
brand new version will replace the old.
Always improving.
We won’t stop with the improvements either. There’s lots more to come,
so make sure you keep it updated so you’ll be the first to try out the new
features. You’ll never play Candy Crush again.
Are you with us?