A different number.
But the same great service.

A change to regulations.

ComReg, the Commission for Communications Regulation, have
decided to withdraw 1890 numbers from use from January 1st 2022.
So that means our old number won’t work anymore and we have a
brand spanking new one.

0145 77777.

Pop it in your phone, stick it to your fridge, or tell your better half to
remember it. And if all that fails then just visit our website
www.greyhound.ie and it’s there, always.

Everything else is the same.

The new number gets you through to the same people as before.
They’ll still be as nice and as friendly as before. And they’ll still do all
they can to help with any questions or queries you have.

Are you with us?

For more information, from COMREG, about this change,
please visit https://www.comreg.ie/ngnreview