All Star Award
For another year, you demonstrated exemplary engagement with your audience. Once again, you set the standard of excellence. We are thrilled to present you with the All Star Award for 2018! We look for customers who get the kind of results that reflect their hard work and stand out from the more than 650,000 organizations internationally who use our services. Every year the competition gets tougher as our best just get better!
Constant Contact
In order to be recognised for the All Star Award you must have:
- High average open and click-through rates which is received through engaging content
- Low bounce rates which is achieved by using active customer email addresses
- Regular communication with your audience/customer base
Here at Greyhound Household we send out thousands of emails & text alerts each day to notify customers of all different things. Service updates, Low Balance Alerts, Newsletters, Surveys etc. We love interacting with customers and hearing back from them. Be sure to keep an eye on your inbox for more upcoming news from Greyhound Household and as ever should you ever need to contact us we are always on hand!
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