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Being Green is our passion.

It’s not easy being green.

And it’s often quite confusing to know where to start if we want to do our bit for a cleaner planet.

Climate change is shaping up to be a significant challenge.

For us and the generation after us.

It’s caused by a build-up of gasses called carbon emissions, which trap the sun’s energy in the atmosphere and heats up the planet.

We can measure an average person’s contribution to global warming with what’s called a ‘carbon footprint’.

This is a measure in tonnes of carbon dioxide, the most abundant heat-trapping gas, we release into the atmosphere due to our activities over the course of a year.

A typical Irish home has a carbon footprint of about 11 tonnes, which is one of the highest in Europe.

However, at Greyhound, we have made it our mission to remove the problems you don’t want.

And that includes reducing your carbon footprint.

Unlike other waste collection companies, we refuse to use a landfill.

We have adopted the latest technology to ensure our vehicles are among the cleanest in the industry

And by using our Family plan, we can help reduce your carbon footprint by 1.5 tonnes every year.

That’s almost 15% per household per year.

So let us look after your waste as we build toward a greener future together.

Go Green. Go Greyhound


A couple in the kitchen cooking together

“A typical Irish home has a carbon footprint of about 11 tonnes, which is one of the highest in Europe. To put this in context our EU neighbours emit about 25% less in their households.” RTE

5 things we can change to reduce carbon emissions

How we heat our homes – Typically fueled by boilers and fossil fuels our homes can be our largest emissions producer. Can we use more eco-friendly heating methods or upgrade our insulation?

How we move around – Can we rideshare, cycle, walk, or take public transport? The combustion of petrol and diesel in our cars has a carbon footprint of about two tonnes

How we power our appliances – We can reduce power consumption by choosing energy-efficient appliances or a renewable energy provider.

What we eat – A significant source of emissions is agriculture, particularly red meat and milk. Can we move to add more plant-based foods into our diet?

Where we fly – selecting certain airlines can help to offset some emissions.