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September was a busy month for our Green Bin Quality Team.


Our agents have been hitting the streets, educating customers on how to segregate more effectively and recognising those of you that are already doing a super job!

We’re delighted to say that, during September, more than 170 of our customers were awarded with Star Recycler certificates!

Star Recycler

And here’s what they told us;

“Take time to educate your children regarding segregation of waste”

“ It’s not rocket science, keep separate bins for each waste type, fill and repeat!”

“ Always clean packaging before you put it into the bin”

“ Keep three small bins in your house and then transfer out to your large bins, it makes recycling much easier”

“Follow the “what goes in my bin ?” leaflet provided by Greyhound and keep copy near bins”

“Try not to buy products with too much packaging to reduce waste in your house”

Every Star Recycler we photograph is entered into a draw to win €50 account credit!

Our September winners are the Mockler Household in Marino. Your credit has been applied guys, WELL DONE and keep up the good work!

September Star Recycler, Mockler

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