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Dear Customer,

**Business as Usual**

Greyhound would like to assure both commercial and residential customers that we have implemented additional health & safety measures throughout our business to mitigate the risks associated with COVID-19.

We will continue to monitor HSE guidelines and Government updates.

Currently, there are no interruptions to our scheduled collections or our customer care teams.

Skips, commercial waste collections and or residential collections continue as usual.

Customer care during covid-19- GreyhoundWaste collection update for customersA message to our customers:

Following the latest announcement from the Government regarding Covid-19, we want to reassure our customers that there will be no impact on our collection service.

If you need help or support, you can continue to contact us through Live Chat, over the phone and through email from 8am-8pm Monday-Friday and from 9am-2pm on Saturday.

Your Bin Collection Team:

The health and safety of our workforce and members of the public is of the utmost priority. Throughout this period we have made a number of changes in how we operate to reduce cross-contamination and exposure for all concerned.

Every truck and vehicle leaving and entering our site is sprayed externally with an anti-bacterial spray.

At the end of each shift, a team of cleaners clean down the inside of the cab with antibacterial cleaners and disposable tissue, ensuring areas that are touched mostly are cleaned thoroughly such as handles and monitors.

Each collection team in a truck is provided individual hand sanitiser and a larger bottle for the team to use.  Each truck is provided with surface sanitising wipes to enable staff to wipe their hands were hand washing facilities are not available to them. Face masks, protective goggles and disposable gloves are provided for use as and when required along with the standard gloves used for collecting bins.

We have staggered the role out of our fleet to have the same employees on the same collection route to minimize contact with other employees.

How to manage your waste if any member of the household is self-isolating or has tested positive for Covid-19

Please manage your waste in accordance with HSE guidelines, which are contained in the Covid-19 public information booklet. These are:

Put all your rubbish (waste), including items which would normally be placed in the recycle bin or food waste bin, in a bin bag & tie when about two thirds full

Put this bin bag into a second bin bag & a tie a knot

Store the bag somewhere safe for 3 days & then put the bag into your wheelie bin for collection.

Waste management according to HSE guidelinesCustomer Care:

At the beginning of the Pandemic and restrictions on movement the Greyhound management team rolled out the emergency policy and facilitated the majority of staff members to work from home.

We are experiencing high volumes of calls but the team are getting to help over 90% of customers at first contact. The best time to contact our customer care team is from 8am-10am & 6pm-8pm Monday-Friday. We have moved more of our customer care team to our live chat to allow multiple customers to contact us at the same time. Making it even easier to contact us.

Our social media team have made a series of videos and helpful posts around putting your bins out safely.

How to manage your account:

Please remember the most convenient way to top up your Greyhound account is through our app or website with your account number and pin. If you do not have these details please contact our customer care team. If you prefer to top up in the shop, we suggest that you top up by a larger amount and less often in order to protect yourself as much as possible.

For extra reassurance, you can contact our customer care team about our automated ways to pay so that you don’t need to visit a shop for each “top-up” transaction. This is will ensure you do not need to worry about your account at all.

We will continue to monitor this situation and continue to update you.