Tackling Christmas Waste: Tips for a Sustainable December

TSustainable december he season is upon us, and with it comes a lot of Christmas waste. From gift wrapping paper to food scraps, the month of December can be a challenging time for people trying to live sustainably. However, there are plenty of ways to reduce your environmental impact without sacrificing the joy of the season. Here are some tips for tackling Christmas waste and enjoying a more sustainable December.

Cut Back on Gift Wrapping

One of the biggest sources of waste during the holidays is gift wrapping paper. Instead of buying rolls of it, consider using more sustainable options like wrapping gifts in old newspapers, cloth or using gift bags that can be reused again and again. This will not only save you money but also cut down on the amount of waste going into landfills.

Choose Sustainable Gifts

Another way to reduce your Christmas waste is to choose sustainable gifts. Avoid cheap, plastic gifts that may end up being thrown away after a few uses. Consider giving experiences such as concert tickets or cooking classes, or choose eco-friendly and ethical products that the recipient can use for years to come.

Make Eco-Friendly Food Choices

Food is a big part of the holiday season, but it can also be a source of waste. Plan ahead to avoid overbuying, and choose locally sourced, organic food when possible. If you have leftovers, consider donating them to a local food bank or freezing them for later use instead of throwing them away.

Recycle Christmas Tree

If you’re planning to have a Christmas tree, choose a real one that is sustainably grown and plan to have it recycled afterward. Many cities offer tree recycling programs where the trees are turned into mulch or compost. Artificial trees, on the other hand, are made of plastic, and may not be easily recyclable, which means they are an environmental hazard.

Reduce Energy Consumption

The holiday season is typically a time when we use more energy than usual, whether it’s by lighting up our homes or hosting gatherings. You can reduce your energy consumption by using LED light bulbs, turning off lights and appliances when they’re not in use, and setting the thermostat a little lower than usual.

By making a few simple changes, you can enjoy a more sustainable December without sacrificing the joy of the season. From choosing eco-friendly gifts to recycling your Christmas tree, there are plenty of ways to reduce your environmental impact and enjoy a more sustainable holiday. So this holiday season, let’s do our part in making the world a better place for all. Happy Holidays!