New Year New Recycling Habits: Resolving to Reduce in 2024

New year resolutions As we end 2023, many of us are reflecting on ways to make positive changes in our lives. One area where we can all make a big impact is by improving our recycling habits. Recycling is essential for preserving our planet’s resources and protecting the environment. Resolve to reduce and recycle more in 2024.

In this blog post, we’ll share some practical tips and ideas to help you get started on the right foot.

Educate Your Family on new recycling habits 

The first step in improving your recycling habits is to learn what can be recycled in your area. You can do this on our website here. Contact your local waste management facility or visit their website to learn what can and cannot go in your recycling bin. Share this information with your family members so they are knowledgeable as well. You might be surprised to find out that some items, like plastic bags, should not be included in your curbside recycling bin but can be recycled at designated drop-off locations.

Reduce Your Waste

Reducing your waste is the ultimate goal. Start by taking a closer look at what you throw away. Can you reduce the amount of packaging you buy? Can you buy products with less or no packaging at all? These small changes can make a big difference. You will reduce your food waste by planning your meals and shopping smarter. Reduce buying brand new by considering second hand first.

Use our app

The Greyhound Recycling mobile app is great for tracking your recycling progress over previous years. By logging in, you can check how much you have recycled vs last month / year. This year we are even rolling out a Year in Review where you can easily see how much you have recycled.

Invest in Reusable Products

Single-use products like plastic bags, straws, and water bottles quickly fill up our landfills and harm our planet. To reduce your waste, invest in reusable products. Say “no” to single-use plastic straws. These changes are easy to make and can have a significant positive impact.

Make Recycling Convenient

A good way to increase your chances of success is to make recycling as convenient as possible. Place recycling bins in accessible locations throughout your home. If your recycling bin is overflowing after one week get a second bin or consider bringing recycling to a bring center.

Involve yourself in Community Efforts

Get involved in community recycling and litter picks. Advocate for better recycling, battery and electronics recycling and educating the community about how to recycle more. By working together, we can make a positive difference in our communities and protect our planet for generations to come.


The new year is an opportunity for a fresh start and a chance to make positive changes. Improving your recycling habits is an easy and effective way to reduce your impact on the planet. By educating yourself and your family, reducing your waste, investing in reusable products, making recycling convenient, and getting involved in community efforts, you can make a significant positive impact. Together, let’s resolve to reduce and recycle more in 2024.