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Greyhound Recycling is proud to partner with St Agnes’ Community Centre for Music and the Arts (CCMA)

The memory lane choir of people singing together at St Agnes'Together, Greyhound and St Agnes’ have launched a music therapy programme. This programme, Sensory Stars Club, will provide much needed music therapy to children aged 4 – 16. The service will also be free of charge.

The CCMA has been working with communities in Dublin for over 10 years now. Its programmes have embedded in the community in Crumlin, Dublin.

In launching this parnetship Hilda Milner from the CCMA commented, “This programme is available to children in Crumlin, Scoil Eoin, D12 Autism, and our surrounding communities.”

“At our core, we believe that inclusion is key to the success of our society and in partnership with Greyhound Recycling, we will open a world of music and instrumental activities to children in our community, especially those with sensory and/or additional needs.”Employees involved in St Agnes' together launching the new programme.