Composting for a Greener Garden: Using Kitchen Scraps

Brown bin collection header image showing a plant growing from compostCreating a beautiful garden is a fulfilling and rewarding experience. However, maintaining one can be quite expensive. From purchasing mulch and soil to investing in fertilizers and pesticides, gardening can seem like a costly activity. However, did you know that you can reduce some of these costs and help the environment at the same time? Composting kitchen scraps can not only save you money, but it can also help create a greener garden. In this blog post, we will explore how you can use composting to recycle these materials and make the most out of your garden.

1. Understanding Composting

Before we dive into the specifics, let’s talk about what composting is. Composting is the process of breaking down organic materials such as food waste and yard trimmings into a nutrient-rich fertilizer for your garden. This process accelerates the natural decomposition of materials, which creates a rich soil additive that can be used in gardens to improve soil structure and water retention. Investing in a composting bin can save you money in fertiliser and reduce the amount of waste you send away in a costly general waste bin.

2. What Kitchen Scraps Can You Use?

It’s important to note that not all food waste can be composted. For example, meat, dairy, and oily foods are not recommended; it will result in unattractive, smelly compost. Instead, opt for vegetable and fruit scraps such as apple cores, banana peels, carrot ends, and potato peels. You can also add eggshells, coffee grounds, and tea bags. Composting these materials will not only reduce your household waste but will create a nutrient-rich soil that your plants will thrive in.

3. What Waste Can You Use?

Garden waste includes grass clippings, leaves, and small branches. There are some great tips here from Jimi Blake. The carbon in wood branches (and sawdust if you have it), really helps compost to …compost! This will help create a perfect environment for plants and will also help reduce the amount of waste you’re sending to incineration in a general waste bin.

4. How to Compost Kitchen Scraps

Composting is relatively easy once you have all the materials ready. You can purchase a composter bin or make one with simple materials such as wood pallets. Add garden waste to the bottom of the bin, then add food scraps. Sprinkle a bit of soil on top of the materials to help kickstart the decomposition process. Turn the compost frequently to aerate it, and add water to moisten it if it becomes too dry. The end result will be a nourishing fertilizer that will help grow strong and healthy plants.

5. Using Compost in your Garden

Compost can be used in various ways in the garden. You can use it to improve soil structure, add nutrients and micronutrients, and help retain moisture. Apply compost around your plants and work it into the soil, or use it as a top layer of your garden beds. By using your compost in the garden, you’ll help your plants grow stronger and more robust.


The above-listed methods highlight just how easy it is to recycle kitchen scraps and yard waste for a greener garden. Composting may take some time and effort, but the end results are worth it environmentally and financially. It’s essential to remember that not all waste is equal, so it’s important to follow guidelines, pay attention to what you add to your composting bin, and adhere to local regulations. With some patience and consistency, you can turn your kitchen scraps and yard waste into a nutrient-rich fertilizer that will help your garden flourish.