Compost5 Compost Hacks for the Eco-Conscious Homeowner

Keep reading for excellent compost hacks. At Greyhound Recycling, we’ve always been about more than just bins; we’re about fostering a community that makes greener, more sustainable choices every day. Today, we’re delighted to share some composting tips that will not only nourish your garden but will significantly reduce your household waste—benefiting both your wallet and the planet.

1. The more you can compost, the more you can save

Did you know that almost all your food and garden waste can be diverted to your compost bin? Vegetable peelings, fruit waste, teabags, plant prunings, and grass cuttings—they can all contribute to creating rich, nourishing compost for your garden, while dramatically reducing the volume of waste sent to incineration. When using a compost bin, our customers consistently report lower waste bills and an immense sense of achievement in their contribution to environmental sustainability.

2. Utilise Fermented Seaweed for a Boost

One hack that has been shared with us—and we find absolutely groundbreaking—is the use of fermented seaweed in compost. Its high nutrient content acts as a powerful compost accelerator, breaking down materials more quickly and providing a rich feed for your plants. This little-known secret can transform your compost into a superfood for your garden!

3. Give Your Soil a Caffeine Kick

Coffee lovers, rejoice! Your used coffee grounds make an amazing addition to compost. Not only do they help create a more balanced compost mix by adding nitrogen, but they also improve soil texture and attract earthworms, nature’s best soil aerators. It’s an excellent way of reusing those grounds and gives your plants a great boost.

4. Chop and Change for Faster Decomposition

A simple yet effective method to accelerate your composting process is to chop or shred your organic waste before adding it to the bin. Smaller pieces decompose faster, speeding up the composting process. It’s an easy step that has a big impact on how quickly you can use the compost in your garden.

5. Maintain a Balanced Diet for Your Compost

Just like us, compost thrives on a balanced diet. Ensure you’re adding a mix of ‘greens’ (nitrogen-rich materials like vegetable peelings, coffee grounds, and grass clippings) and ‘browns’ (carbon-rich materials such as dead leaves, shredded paper, and straw). This balance is crucial for producing high-quality compost and prevents problems such as bad odours and pests.

Ready to take your composting to the next level or have some hacks of your own to share? We’d love to hear from you! Email us or visit our socials to exchange ideas with other composters. Remember, every small action contributes to a bigger change. Happy composting!