Food waste going into Compost bin

Close Up Of Woman Emptying Food Waste Into Garden Composter At Home

Ireland wastes ‘a million meals a day’ – 10 Surprising Food Waste Statistics in Ireland

Food waste is a critical issue that impacts the environment, economy, and society. Understanding the scope of the problem can help us make more informed choices. Here are ten surprising facts about food waste in 2022 based on the latest report from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

1. 750,000 Tonnes of Food Waste Generated

In 2022, a staggering 750,000 tonnes of food waste were generated. This highlights the scale of the problem and underscores the need for effective waste management strategies. It’s the equivalent of ‘a million meals a day’ being wasted.

2. Households Are the Largest Contributors

Households are responsible for the majority of this food waste. Simple changes in shopping habits and meal planning can significantly reduce the amount of food that goes to waste at home.

3. Most Commonly Wasted Foods

Fruits, vegetables, and bread top the list of the most commonly wasted foods. These items are often thrown away due to spoilage or over-purchasing.

4. Environmental Impact

Food waste has a significant environmental impact. When food ends up in landfills, it decomposes and produces methane, a potent greenhouse gas that contributes to climate change.

5. Economic Cost 

The economic cost of food waste is enormous. It’s not just the monetary value of the wasted food but also the resources used in its production, transportation, and disposal.

6. National Strategies and Policies 

Countries are implementing national strategies and policies to tackle food waste. These include public awareness campaigns, stricter regulations, and incentives for businesses to reduce waste.

7. Technological Innovations affecting Food Waste Statistics in Ireland

Technological innovations are playing a crucial role in reducing food waste. Apps that help consumers track their food purchases and smart refrigerators that monitor expiry dates are becoming more popular.

8. Food Donation Programs

Food donation programs are expanding, helping to redirect surplus food to those in need. These programs not only reduce waste but also address food insecurity.

9. Composting Initiatives

Composting initiatives are on the rise. Local communities and municipalities are encouraging residents to compost organic waste, turning it into valuable fertiliser for gardens and farms.

10. Consumer Responsibility

Ultimately, reducing food waste comes down to consumer responsibility. By being mindful of our shopping and eating habits, we can all play a part in addressing this critical issue.