€25k upgrade for Dublin’s Public Bins: A Smart Fix for the Scavenging Problem

Recycling trays to be trialled to 'discourage people going through bins in  search of plastic bottles'In a bid to tackle the rise in scavenging from public bins in Dublin, the City Council is introducing a new pilot scheme, spending €25,000 to install custom bin trays on 80 city centre bins. These trays, costing €138 each, will allow people to leave returnable bottles and cans neatly in place, reducing the need to rummage through bins for items covered by the Re-turn deposit scheme. This is a welcome upgrade for Dublin’s public bins.

Dublin’s Public Bin Problem

The initiative was launched in response to the growing problem of tampered locks and scattered litter since the deposit return scheme began. Dublin City Council, working alongside Re-turn, sees this as an innovative solution to a shared issue.

Those depositing returnable containers in public bins now have the option to leave items in these trays for others to collect and claim the deposit. This simple yet effective measure is hoped to reduce damage to public bins and help keep the streets cleaner.

If the trial is successful, there’s room for a small expansion or replacement of damaged trays. By 2025, the council will assess the scheme’s overall impact before deciding on further rollout and additional costs.

With this smart bin makeover, Dublin is taking a proactive step to address littering and improve urban cleanliness. Keep an eye out—your local bin could be next in line for a makeover!


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