10 Tips for a Successful Plastic-Free July

A plastic bottle on a table with a green background.Plastic-Free July encourages a reduction of plastic usage for the entire month of July. Whether you’re new to the idea or a seasoned eco-warrior, these tips will help you minimise plastic waste and contribute to a healthier planet.

1. Start with a Plastic Audit

Before you begin, take a look at your current plastic usage. Identify common single-use plastics in your home or office and make a plan to replace them with sustainable alternatives. This might include items like plastic bags, soap bottles, drink bottles and food wrappers.

2. Opt for Reusable Bags

Instead of relying on single-use plastic bags, invest in a few sturdy reusable bags. Keep them in your car, at your workplace, or near your front door so they’re always handy when you need them.

3. Ditch Plastic Bottles

Single-use plastic bottles are a significant contributor to plastic pollution. Switching to a reusable water bottle can save hundreds of bottles per year. Stainless steel or glass options are great choices. Ditch soap bottles on sinks and in the shower and opt for natural bars of soap.

4. Bring Your Own Containers

When dining out or ordering takeaway, bring your own containers for leftovers. Many restaurants are happy to accommodate this request, and it significantly cuts down on plastic waste.

5. Say No to Plastic Straws

Plastic straws are often unnecessary and can be easily replaced. Carry a reusable metal or bamboo straw with you, or simply go without one altogether.

6. Shop in Bulk

Buying in bulk can reduce packaging waste significantly. Bring your own containers to bulk food stores, and choose products with minimal or recyclable packaging.

7. Choose Glass or Metal Over Plastic

Whenever possible, opt for glass or metal versions of products typically packaged in plastic. For instance, choose glass jars over plastic tubs for mayonnaise or metal tins for coffee.

8. Use Beeswax Wraps

Instead of plastic cling film, use beeswax wraps to cover food and keep it fresh. They are reusable, washable, and biodegradable, making them an excellent eco-friendly alternative.

9. Support Plastic-Free Brands

Many brands are committed to reducing plastic use and offer plastic-free products. Supporting these companies not only helps the environment but also encourages other businesses to follow suit.

10. Spread the Word

Encourage friends, family, and colleagues to join the Plastic-Free July challenge. Share your experiences and tips on social media, and use the hashtag #PlasticFreeJuly to connect with others participating in the movement.